Board Information
The Mid-Columbia Senior Softball Association (MSCCA) Board of Directors consists of 11 members elected from the general membership of the MCSSA; the board provides the oversight and establishes the direction and schedules for the MCSSA activities. To be eligible for the board membership, MCSSA members must have participated in one full softball season.
2024 Board Officers:
President: Steve Catlow 509-788-0156
Vice President: Tom Zarate 509-521-4175
Secretary: Cindy Moon 509-768-2857
Treasurer: Lori Cotsford 509-948-3801
Player's Rep: Gordy Gray 509-581-9448
2024 Board Members:
Pam Bobiles 509-544-2977
Chip Moon 843-617-3330
Duane Williams 509-948-1420
Gary Joyner 509-306-1630
Gerald Redfield 509-366-1059
Rosie Garza 509-205-1281
Mike Marshel 951-544-5617
The existing Board of Directors will meet annually prior to the season to elect officers. All officer terms are one year. Officers must have played in the league the previous year. Board members are elected for a 3-year term. The Secretary and Treasurer positions can be held by one officer; if so, an additional board member can be added.
Board members will meet quarterly at a minimum to conduct league business.
A simple majority by Board members is required for normal league business. A 2/3 vote by the Board is required to add or remove a Board member.
Parliamentary Procedures:
The Board of Directors will follow the Robert's Rules of Order.